Friday, December 31, 2010

Final Day in America

It is currently my last day in America. I leave tomorrow evening back for Korea. The time spent here has been unbelievable. It has been so nice to see my family and most of my friends. It's been amazing understanding everyone around me (Spanish and English conversations). There's so much about America that I've missed that I didn't even realize I was missing. A huge part of me wishes to stay, or at least come back right after my contract ends.

But then I start thinking of the logistics: where in America am I going to live? Can I find a good job? Would I have to move back in with my parents? What about my boyfriend?

The truth of the matter is that I miss America, but due to many factors I've realized right now Korea is the best place to really be for me right now. Sure, North Korea has been acting up and having its tantrums, but I'm happy in Korea overall.

I have always loved to travel and be in different countries, and I've rarely ever felt homesickness, but never before have I lived in another country for an entire year. I've gotten my first taste of what life in the Foreign Service is going to be like. I went 10 months without seeing my family, and that was difficult. I will probably go more once I become a diplomat. This was not as easy as I thought it would be.

This is definitely something to consider.


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